Budwig Center Warning About The Budwig Protocol

Budwig Center warning about Budwig Protocol

The Budwig Center in Spain was founded by Lloyd Jenkins after meeting Dr. Johanna Budwig in the year 2000. Dr. Budwig signed an authorization for Lloyd to set up a clinic in Spain using her methods. Since then, countless people from all parts of the world have benefited from the Budwig Center using the original Budwig diet and protocol. The Budwig Center has diligently tried to share the Budwig diet with the whole world so as many as possible can experience the benefits.

Budwig Center, warning about, Budwig Protocol

A warning about self-appointed Budwig experts!

The Budwig diet became very popular back in the 70’s and 80’s and as the Budwig diet seems fairly simple and straightforward, many clinics and individuals have added it to their cancer treatment program. However, many are not implementing the Budwig diet correctly and therefore are not getting the excellent results that Dr. Budwig achieved. This reminds me of the expression “a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing”. In fact, Dr. Budwig herself warned her patients not to combine any artificial mineral or vitamin supplements, and artificial oxygen therapies with her flaxseed oil and cottage cheese diet. However countless clinics are doing just that. Dr. Budwig said that doing both at the same time will ‘cancel’ out the benefits and each therapy and you basically achieve nothing.

Budwig Center, warning about Budwig Protocol reporters or accredited researchers

Another warning needs to be giving in regards to people who claim to be reporters or accredited researchers offering information on the Budwig protocol in books and websites. Time and again we have come across information from these sources that are totally inaccurate. For example, some have told all their subscribers to use full-fat cottage cheese or Quark along with the flaxseed oil. This does not work! The fat content cannot be more than 2% otherwise it will not properly mix with the flaxseed oil and become water soluble. This is a serious problem as the benefits of oxygenizing the blood to weaken cancer cannot take place.

Other websites claim that you can mix it with yogurt, kefir, eggs, or some special food supplements. None of this was approved by Dr. Budwig and therefore the Budwig Center does not recommend it. Cancer is a life-threatening illness and therefore it is a serious matter when a clinic or researcher tells a cancer patient to follow a certain procedure but gives them partial or totally inaccurate information.

Dr. Johanna Budwig was an avid biochemist striving to show cancer patients how to apply her research. She was open to sharing her findings with practitioners that sincerely wanted to continue helping people diagnosed with cancer. She wrote books and held interviews so that her research would not be kept secret.

The basic Budwig diet is based on her research and this information can be shared for free! Anyone trying to make money selling a part of her research that might have been kept secret or their take on this diet would have questionable motives. We are thankful that many writers are sharing her information for free on their blogs as do we offer a free downloadable guide on our homepage at www.budwigcenter.com

So why come to the Budwig Center if you can learn about the Budwig Protocol for free?

We believe the Budwig protocol is ideal for maintaining optimum health as well as an important pillar in keeping the body strong while treating cancer or a chronic illness. Having said that, there are myths online that Dr. Budwig used only flaxseed and cottage cheese in her protocol. This is a great abbreviation of what her protocol is about. In the event of a diagnosis and planning for the best treatment, having the correct information is the beginning.

In our many years operating the Budwig Center and helping patients apply the Budwig protocol, we have had this fact confirmed over and over again, that a personalized approach is the key. We cannot say that 100% of patients will benefit from taking the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese, or sauerkraut, or other healthy ingredients included in her diet plan.

In Dr. Budwig’s interview with Lothar Horneise, she brought up other factors that certainly cannot be overlooked when a person has a cancer diagnosis. Here is an excerpt from this interview:

Lothar Hirneise:

But shouldn’t all those people who eat these heated oils get cancer?

Dr. Johanna Budwig:

“It is very important to view the person as a unit consisting of body, soul, and psyche. However, the factor that is primarily effective at the moment can be quite different. I am still convinced today that if a woman has a very poor marriage, and has to deal with suppression and taunts from her husband day in and day out, then I cannot help her with quark-flax oil. All three factors belong together in a human person.”

There are so many useful ingredients in nature (turmeric, Chinese and medicinal mushrooms, bee pollen, essential oils etc.) and in reading about others’ experiences one could easily hope for the same results another person has had. Dr. Budwig’s research showed her that taking food and herbal remedies as natural as possible were the key, but she never became an advocate of a certain active ingredient in particular when it came to herbal remedies.

Budwig Center relies on our test to make all the difference in helping a patient with a compromised digestive tract or the immune system that logically will not be able to process all types of food or remedies.

It is important, but you will need guidance and support to know what else is affecting your health at such a crucial time.

To view our registration with the Andalusian health board you can go to the following webpage:


To find us follow these steps:

1. Enter the url address above
2. Press on “Seleccione de la lista” which appears just below “Tipo de Centro” (image 1)
3. In the tab on the right, select from the dropdown menu “Centro policalente” (number C2.4.0 image 2)
4. Press on Aceptar
5. Select the province Malaga from the dropdown menu (image 3)
6. Select the city Malaga (image 3)
7. This page shows Budwig Center’s authorization code on page number 15 (image 4)

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Image #2

Image #3

Image #4

Coming to our clinic will provide you with a personalized Budwig protocol and a team to support you when you return to your home.

To contact us about how we can help you or someone you love, please get in touch with us here:

Phone: EU +34 952 577 369
Email: [email protected]

38 thoughts on “Budwig Center Warning About The Budwig Protocol”

  1. As far as the proper cheese (protein component) is concerned, I have been reading from few sources that fat content should be no more than 2% and ofcourse zero is good. The (sulfur) protein comprising of minimum 10% and the ideal being 12 to 14%.

    And also (importantly I think), Dr. Budwig recommends that the milk used to make the cheese should not be homogenized.

    I do the budwig protocol (as preventative) using farmer’s cheese (and a bit of kefir to help mix) with the flax oil.

    1. Thank you for adding this information John. Dr. Budwig did add low fat milk and now it is difficult to find good quality low fat milk. Kefir would not be the same. A bit of kefir for digestion is OK but not necessarily in the Budwig mixture.

      Kind regards,
      Kathy L. Jenkins
      Director of Budwig Center

    1. Dr. Budwig approved of all nuts and seeds as part of the food plan. However apricot seeds are not recommended in high doses as the cyanide they contain puts a heavy burden on the digestive system.

      The digestive tract directly affects the immune system and when a person is chronically ill and dealing with cancer, their digestive track is usually not working very well. Therefore, handfuls of apricot seeds that would further tax the digestive system are not recommended. I have read interviews of people who after just one handful of apricot seeds they felt very sick. That was because the body cannot easily break down these seeds in their digestive tract.

      I know some people encourage the consumption of 50 or more apricot seeds a day to reverse cancer. However, our research and experience shows that it does not really work. Maybe some of these people claim they got better, however we suspect that it was mainly due to their life style changes and other dietary modifications along with detoxification that made the main difference in their healing.

      The only way that we know that could work is to take the Laetrile which is a liquid form of Vitamin B 17 in conjunction with hyperthermia. To get the same amount of B 17 from eating apricot seeds as in the liquid B17 Laetrile, you would need to eat about 13,000 seeds a day!

      Dr. Budwig favored herbs for healing and the Budwig Center has excellent results from using a variety of selected herbs according to each person’s needs.

      Kind regards,
      Kathy Jenkins

  2. 1. Can the cottage cheese be pasteurized and still be effective?
    2. Is the Dr. Budwig’s flax seed cottage cheese protocol applicable to throat cancer?
    3. Lecithin enables oils to be water soluble. Have you done any work with lecithin or compared its effectiveness to the treatment protocol?

    1. Thank you for sending these questions through. The milk used to prepare cottage cheese is usually pasteurized as it was already in Dr. Budwig’s days. It was and still is effective this way.

      We us this recipe with all types of cancer but we do test patients individually to confirm they can tolerate and digest seeds and honey and other ingredients so that the diet is personalized, not according to their type of cancer but rather according to their physical needs.

      We have not experimented with using different foods like lecithin, we are sticking as closely as possible to Dr. Budwig’s original recipe and only confirming and checking what patients are able to take and digest.

      Please contact us directly if you have further questions at: [email protected]


    1. Dear Carol,

      I’m sorry to hear you are having such trouble. It is quite a large document. Try it in WiFi area, with a computer or tablet that has a lot of space and a fast browser. It does take almost a minute to load.
      Kind regards,

      Kathy L.Jenkins

  4. Hello,

    I am very much interested in following The Dr. BUDWIG diet, however Pdf doesn’t open as it does not have valid format. Please help!


    1. Dear Abhimanyu,
      I’m sorry you are having trouble with the download. It could be that your pdf isn’t updated, that the device doesn’t have space or that the internet connection isn’t strong enough. It does take a few seconds to download because it is a large file with over 50 pages.

      Kind regards,
      Kathy Jenkins

  5. If it’s hard to locate organic cottage cheese where you live.What is the absolute other alternative.Im reading a lot about this subject and pleased to stick to the protocol only Ms Budwig recommended.

    1. Dear Steph,

      It is hard to locate organic cottage cheese. In our kitchen here at Budwig Center, the only ingredient we are using that is NOT organic is the quark because the lowest fat content we have found in the organic quarks and cottage cheeses is 3%. But we are still benefitting greatly from this recipe even if the cottage cheese isn’t organic.

      Kind regards,
      Kathy L. Jenkins

      Director of Budwig Center
      Certified Naturopath
      [email protected]

  6. Soothichai Sinthavanuchit

    I cannot find low fat fresh cottage cheese where I live (Thailand), and I do not want to buy the supermarket type with all the added ingredients. Can I use full fat cottage cheese but add more 0% fat milk than usual before mixing all ingredients with an electric mixer? I figure the non-fat milk should help to lower the fat content?

    1. The cottage cheese or quark must have no more than 2% fat for the recipe to be effective. There are benefits to taking the ground seeds and flaxseed oil in your diet while you try to source the quark or cottage cheese. Taking a full fat cottage cheese or quark would not be valuable though.

      Kind regards,

      Kathy L. Jenkins

      Manager of Budwig Center
      Certified Naturopath
      [email protected]

  7. My mother was sent home yesterday from the hospital to live the rest of her days in hospice. She has been diagnosed with stage IV Breast cancer. She was on letrizole and ibranz that didn’t work but only made things worse. Her tumor markers skyrocketed from .39 to .897 and is now well over a thousand. My mom also had a liver biopsy as that was the only one growing and two months later this month we got the results back that the liver tumor is a mutation of breast cancer. My mom has since had one chemo session that resulted in her liver tumors growing aggressively as well as spreading to her stomach. At this time her liver is in the early stages of failure. I can’t sit around and watch my mom fade away, is it too late to try the Budwig protocol? I have been grinding flaxseed and adding that to her raw food shakes that she is drinking, but she’s not really hungry or wanting to eat. Are you able to advise?

    1. Dear Natasha,

      I’m so sorry to hear you are dealing with such a dire situation. With the question of: what else can you do for her now to feel like you are doing all that can possibly benefit her, we have emailed you some suggestions to go through so that in addition to giving her raw juices and flaxseeds or flaxseed oil, there are many other things she can try doing. Natural therapies work slowly but can offer physical relief. Please check your spam folder in case you don’t see an email from us in your inbox or get in touch with us through: [email protected]

      Kind regards
      Kathy Jenkins

  8. sophia hancock


    My mother has colon-rectal-cancer we are doing the cottage cheese and extra spoon off flaxseed oil instead of flaxseeds. I am just wondering if the cottage cheese protacal helps/works with rectal cancer? We jucie ever day eat mostly raw organic vegetables and fruits. Just wondering how one detoxify with this protacal?

    1. Dear Sophia,

      Thank you for sending us this question. It sounds like you are doing very beneficial things for your mother’s health condition. Have you considered water, herbal tea or flaxseed oil enemas? These can be applied if the tumor is not right on the end of the rectum so that the tube is not hurting or opening it.
      Another beneficial treatment is to do full body hyperthermia or infrared sauna. Please feel free to contact us for more personalized suggestions: [email protected]

      Kind regards,
      Kathy L. Jenkins

  9. Hi Kathy,

    There is so much confusing info out there on Budwig, and so glad for this site and answered questions. If I hit the lotto or sell a book, I’m there! Meantime I’ve a few specific questions.

    1. ) Bill Henderson says we can take 6 tbls. of flax oil in the a.m. only with the cottage cheese. Is it better to have the muesli twice per day, and isn’t that the recommendation?

    2. ) I feel well, digest well, but have no gallbladder and taking pancreatic enzymes would help. What about those, and is it OK to take them or an herbal type of food enzyme? When should one take them if so, before or after Muesli? Are they recommended as some sites have said to help break down the protein barrier of the cancer cell?

    3.) Isn’t it better to just take the muesli by itself and wouldn’t adding nuts, berries / Stevia interfere with the action? Is it be better to have them separately?

    4.) Is it better to not have cheese, as she has said you can have a small amount of hard cheese.

    5.) I’m concerned about about Igf1 and amino acids in proteins in regards to cancer growth. Does the cottage cheese oil mixture cancel out Igf1?

    6. ) Is it permissible to eat a small amount of protein, fish, egg once or twice a week? I read Ms. Bugwig said the cottage cheese was enough protein daily. With nuts that may be true. I am low protein anyway because of mTor and Igf1

    7.) I read about the Apricot seeds and purchased some,and read your comments concerning them. I know we get some B-17 in many foods. I seem to tolerate taking up to 20 daily well but just want to be sure that I am not cancelling the oxygen action of the oil and cottage cheese mixture by doing so. I realize Bugwig is about oxygenating cells and Amygdalin is about killing the cancer cells off. Can you answer specifically, does the cyanide affect the oxygenation process?

    8.) The question of vitamin C. It has been shown to help with almost every illness in large doses. If one has early stage and is opting out of chemo and radiation, why wouldn’t it be advisable to take extra?Or just eat in its natural form?

    I’m a geek and newly diagnosed. 🙂

    Thanks for your answering when you get to this.
    to our health and healing!! Light and love to all.

    1. Dear Susan,
      Dr. Budwig recommended the mixture with some berries as a breakfast and having it daily, one might need to find original ways to continue eating it but without too many additions will certainly make it easier to digest. Having it once a day minimum and twice a day maximum is what we recommend. Vitamin C comes in many fresh fruit and vegetables and that was the basis of Dr. Budwig’s protocol. Apricot kernels are ok to take, yes, very healthy. Best to not have cheese. Stevia is the better option for sweetner. Best not to have protein from animal source since you are already getting some with the Budwig muesli. Best to have protein in legumes, raw nuts and seeds and small portions of whole grains (especially buckwheat and quinoa)

  10. Oops! Knew I forgot stuff.

    Is it OK to use Metformin to control blood sugar or would pure Berberine be better as it is herbal and not pharmaceutical?

    And one more,if one wanted to make pure chocolate using baking chocolate, 100 % chocolate with no sugar, can one use powdered Swerve sugar replacement or Xylitol? Or better to use Stevia liquid? I know the oil base would have to be cold pressed coconut oil or the like.
    Must have chocolate!!

    Thanks again for all you are doing!

  11. Hi I have a bladder tumor that bleeds.
    Attempting to follow Budwig.
    Should I discontinue the apricot kernels?
    As far as I know my blood levels are fine.c
    Do not wish to participate in the ama.
    Best regards

    1. Dear Ron, apricot kernels are a very good food to add to your diet, yes. For a bleeding tumor in the bladder, we would insert a catheter and treat with saline solution or water mixed with Sangre de Drago (a tincture from the resin of an African tree). Keeping high levels of vitamin C would be important too. For that you need to eat raw citrus fruit and berries.

  12. Rheumatoid arthritis and on methotrexate. Allergic to dairy, cottage cheese. What else can I mix with flaxseed oil? I’d like to try the Budwig diet.

    1. Dear Nancy, thank you for contacting us with your question. When someone is allergic or intolerant to dairy, that doesn’t necessarily mean they will have a negative reaction to the Budwig muesli. But if they do, we would want to look into the reason for this. Usually we need to look at the body’s need to detox (liver and intestines) as well as bacteria and parasites. Have you downloaded our Free Guide available when you sign up on our home page? this also provides a recipe with plain whey protein and soaked flaxseeds. To contact us about how we can help with your chronic condition, please email us: [email protected]

  13. Hi Kathy,

    I am a breast cancer patient. I am following Bill Henderson’s Protocol. Can I eat sauerkraut or Kimchi(fermented cabbage) while I am consuming the cottage cheese, flaxseed oil, and grinned flaxseed?

    Your response would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Dear Chris, thank you for contacting us with this question.Sauerkraut and kimchi are foods Dr. Budwig encouraged her patients to eat as the natural fermentation helps one’s digestion and promotes a healthy gut. So Yes, continue including this in your food plan. If you’d like further help with your plan, please contact us by email: [email protected]

  14. Can you tell me why you dont recommend ground flaxseeds if you have colon issues? If that is the case is the oil ok to use and also any other substitute for the seeds

    1. Dear Thrisha, the seeds can irritate the intestinal walls so best to have more oil. We give this general indication to be on the safe side. When someone is able to come to the clinic and be tested for food intolerance we can personalize our recommendations regarding this recipe.

  15. Kathy, one important aspect of any dietary therapy is that you are helped not according to what you eat, but what you can successfully digest and assimilate. I have healthy digestion, and use the Budwig Mixture as a preventative (I blend 2/3 cup of Nancy’s Organic Probiotic Cottage Cheese with 1/3 cup of flax oil) Sometimes short, intermittent fasting is good to improve digestion and assimilation. I would encourage those who think they are allergic to dairy to try this. Fast a few meals until you are really hungry, then take the Budwig Mixture, and don’t eat anything else for a couple of hours at least. I have found that the mixture is very easy to digest this way.

  16. Hello!
    I have a quick question. I have been diagnosed with liver cancer from hep C and cirrhosis ( I got the hep c from a blood transfusion years ago). I have been doing coffee enemas, but noticed in the Budwig guide that Johanna said not to use coffee enemas if you have liver cancer. Can you explain why I shouldn’t be doing them?
    Thanks so much for your help!

    1. Dear Kathy, Thank you for sending us this question. Coffee enemas isn’t actually something that Dr. Budwig did, she would apply flaxseed oil and wheatgerm oil enemas. Coffee enemas is something other naturopaths have found useful for helping the body eliminate toxins but it is usually not tolerated or safe for someone that has anemia, is too thin and weak and in cases of liver disease and cancer. This is because when one of our organs is “not healthy”, “not functioning 100%”, the best way to help the whole body is to not make that organ work more but rather the other organs. So treatments that help the lymph and kidneys detox as well as the lungs would be more indicated.

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